Phasor Energy Company, Inc.
About Phasor Energy
About Phasor Energy
Projects / Experience
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Innovation in the development and use of energy.

A Letter From the President:

My background is in traditional power system planning and engineering.  I believe that electric utilities have done an excellent at producing and distributing electrical power.  But I gradually came to realize that we are overdue at moving on to the next step.  That is, we need to use energy more efficiently, and we need to begin using renewable sources of power.
So, I founded Phasor Energy Company, Inc. to develop and market the technologies and systems that are needed.  Please take a look at the rest of our web site, and let us know what you think.

Tom Lepley, P.E., President

Sunset 4

Phasor Energy Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 31627
Phoenix, AZ 85046-1627

Phone: (602) 765-4467
Fax: (602) 404-1765